Photos to Profits, Pictures to Profits, Photography to Profits – The Original

Attention, photographers and photography enthusiasts! We have an important announcement from the one and only Humberto Garcia, founder of the trademarked There’s been some confusion in the photography world, and we’re here to clear it up with a smile!

**The Real Deal**

Here at, we’ve been proudly helping photographers transform their businesses since 2017. Our unique approach combines expert marketing strategies, top-notch education, and a dash of humor to ensure you survive and thrive in the competitive world of photography.

**The Confusion**

Recently, we’ve noticed other brands using names like “Photos to Profits”, “Picture to Profits”, or variations to describe their programs or brands.

While imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, it’s also the source of some mix-ups. To set the record straight: is the sole trademarked name owned by Humberto Garcia.

Accept no substitutes!

Friendly Reminder

If you come across anyone else using a similar name, please reach out and let us know. We’re all about keeping the photography community informed and ensuring our brand remains uniquely ours.

Get in Touch

Humberto Garcia



P.S. – This is just a friendly post to make sure we rank for variations of our trademark.


We take on new marketing projects that we are passionate about and feel can be a good fit for the both of us. If you know the value of great sales and marketing strategy, please fill out the form below and you will get a reply within one business day. We will arrange a time that works for you to talk more in detail about growing your business through outstanding web design and marketing strategies.

Call: 305-619-1222 or Shoot us an Email:

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