3 Ways to Capture the Attention of Potential Photography Clients

As a photographer, generating new leads can be quite difficult. Even the most skilled photographers can sometimes have a hard time closing potential clients. This can be discouraging, but there are various marketing tactics that you can use to turn potential photography clients into real customers.

With that said, here are 3 ways to capture the attention of potential photography clients so they can’t resist booking with you.

1. Remarketing using Google and Facebook

Marketing isn’t a one-time effort, rather, it’s something that needs to be done continuously to truly master and take effect. Google and Facebook are both great platforms that will help you to effectively reach potential clients.

Google is the world’s most popular search engine, which is why it is one of the best options when it comes to marketing. This is because people are constantly searching for photo services on Google. Therefore, this naturally presents an ideal platform for you to run ads for your business. When you have an ad up on Google Pay Per Click, individuals who are searching for specific photography services in your area will have a greater chance of finding your website and will be prompted to contact you.

More specifically, Google has done a great job at creating remarketing opportunities for businesses. Google AdWords remarketing enables businesses to show targeted ads to users who have already visited their website. This means that past visitors will continue to see your ads as they are browsing the web. Remarketing ads improve your business’s visibility, and provide a way to make sure you remain on your potential clients’ minds.

Like Google, Facebook has a promising advertising platform for businesses. This is because Facebook has over a billion users, which also creates the perfect opportunity to gain visibility and remarket. Facebook’s remarketing feature, called Facebook Pixel, is very effective and is worth taking advantage of. It is a snippet of code that businesses can add to different pages of their website to track visitor actions on their site.

This means that when someone visits your website from a Facebook ad, they are tagged with a trackable code. Afterwards, you can create highly targeted ads that will appeal to and correspond with the pages they visited on your site.

For example, if you’re a portrait, wedding, and maternity photographer, you can create an ad to target visitors who clicked on your wedding portfolio with targeted ads for wedding photography services. This will ensure that you’re targeting your potential clients more effectively.

2. Personal message on Facebook

Nothing gets people’s attention like a personal message. Personal messages are direct, engaging, and can boost customer confidence in you as a professional. Facebook messaging can be a highly effective tool for gaining leads in your photography business.

If you want to get potential clients to pay attention to you, then making them feel important is going to be crucial. Here are a few ideas of what you can include in your personalized Facebook message:

Benefits of your photography service: Sometimes, people don’t really grasp the value of your service right away. This is especially the case when it comes to photography since a lot of people feel they can do it themselves. Therefore, sending a personal message highlighting the benefits of your photography service and the transformation you can provide for them with your images will set you apart and add value to what you’re offering. The simple act of sending a personalized message may encourage potential customers to contact you to inquire further.

Exclusive discounts: People are more inclined to take advantage of things that they feel are exclusive to them, and discounts are an easy way to get people to be proactive. For this reason, sending a personal message offering an exclusive discount is a great way to get your potential customers to take action and follow-up with you.

Reminders: Simply sending a reminder that your photo business up and running could be a great way to not only gain the attention of potential customers, but to also get them to invest in your photography service. Often times, people view so much information online and through social media that they unintentionally overlook your business. By sending a personal message to friends, acquaintances, and past clients, you’re putting your business right in front of your potential customer’s line of vision. This will make them more likely to respond, and you’ll be surprised at the amount of people that are in need of a photographer, but just simply forgot that you offer photography services.

3. Call them

Certainly, the most straightforward approach when it comes to gaining the attention of potential clients is to call them on the phone.

When you get a potential photography client on the phone, you are in a good position to seal the deal by illustrating how your photography service can fulfill the vision they have for their shoot. Essentially, this is the perfect opportunity to sell your services while you have direct contact.

If you don’t close the client on the first call, don’t fret. This is where following up comes in. Closing some clients takes a bit more effort. This means making follow-up calls until you get a solid answer. You should make at least 5 consistent attempts to contact a potential client unless you get a certain no.

Following up is an extremely important step because sometimes people just need time to think before making a decision, or they may be waiting until they can make the investment. Following up with a call will make your client feel important to you and increase the likelihood of a potential customer turning into a real client.

Owning a photography business is a rewarding experience. Gaining clients can be hard, but when you take these 3 tips into consideration, you have a better chance of catching your potential customers’ attention and growing your photography business profitably.

You can also try capturing potential clients with unique images. Click here to learn more about the art of compositing.

Written by Humberto Garcia, founder of Photography to Profits and The Digital Marketing Studio.


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